Monday, July 23, 2012

Debate Video with TWO unbelievers!

Sam Harris and Michael Shermer take on Deepak Chopra and a woman who can't get in a word edgwise.  Listen for a priceless line by Deepak Chopra at 23:39 and at 28:40 one by Sam Harris.

This is one of the rare times when a "debate" included equal numbers on both sides. Usually a lone skeptic/atheist is up against half a dozen believers.


Unknown said...

DeCrap was especially nasty in this one and that lady, whoever that is needs to catch up on the conversation. I would be ashamed to have her speaking for my side. I don't doubt that in her world she is looked up to and all that shit, but c'mon now. C'mon.


LadyAtheist said...

Perhaps she was attempting to channel her positivity through her chi energy instead of through her mouth!

Steve said...

DeCrap shows how much of a petty ass he really is in this. He basically turns into a 12 year old.

Chatpilot said...

Thanks LadyA for this link. It was truly entertaining and I got quite a few good laughs out of it. Deepak is the embodiment of nonsensical beliefs and ideologies. I don't like listening to Deepak speak it is painful to hear the nonsense he spews on a regular basis.

LadyAtheist said...

I love Michael Shermer's reactions especially when DC said: "In the absence of a conscious entity the Moon remains a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup"