Saturday, November 10, 2012

Election Week Links

Indiana's Richard Mourdock turned to prayer to help him in the election.  Andrew Phipps, the fundy speaker who organized this thing, is a dot-org!  His 501C3 should be ripped up and fed to the devil!  Outgoing governor Mitch Daniels gave this nutter the "Distinguished Hoosier" award.

In the end, Mourdock's rich friends couldn't buy the election.  And something that gives me even more hope, Mourdock only received 60% or more of the vote in a few counties.

Fox News reports machines are switching votes from Romney to Obama... only in that direction!  Apparently they don't follow the news very closely because other people are reporting votes for Obama were switched to Romney and there's video to prove it.

We don't have our first Mormon president, but we have our first Hindu and Buddhist in Congress.

The numbers:

Romney won the white vote almost everywhere.    Too bad for Romney, white people are only 72% of the electorate.  And women are over 50% of the electorate, and not fond of mysogynists.  And non-religious people are a 12% voting bloc that politicians shouldn't ignore.  Asians didn't buy Romney's economic message, either.  Polls of polls saw this coming.  So in the end, Moneyball beats Goebbels Rove.
Or was Rove's real problem lying to himself?

...and in other news:
Church services for atheists?  People are showing up at 8:30 a.m. for this.  That's about 4 hours too early for me.  If the local UU tries this here, I'll check it out .. if it's not too early!

An Australian Catholic priest reveals systematic cover-ups of pedophilia in the church.

The pope worries that after gay marriage is recognized, polygamy would be too.  Polygamy would be much more complex, with three having to agree, and a whole boatload of other considerations, but I would back that too for consenting adults, not marriage between adults & teens as cult leaders do.  I wonder how he feels about Catholics voting for Romney.


Anonymous said...

Looks like we'll still have a nontheist in the House to replace Pete Stark too: Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona's CD-9. My Rep! Woo hoo! I voted this year specifically so that I could cast my ballot for her.

Pete Moulton

LadyAtheist said...
