- Basis in the personal revelation of one person or a string of a few loonies. Personal revelation can be lies, misrepresentations, migraine auras, hallucinations, delusions, or hoaxes. Just not a reliable source of information for basing an entire lifestyle on.
- Precarious transmission of the "Word." Again, lies, misrepresentations and hoaxes are possible sources of "information." There's also scribal errors, interpolations, deletions, and organizational or personal agendas to consider. Just because a text is "ancient" is no reason to grant it any kind of status. Just the reverse.
- Fairy tale explanations for the natural world. Genesis is only one of hundreds of creation stories. Every culture on Earth seems to have one. This would indicate there's something innate about the human intellect that needs answers for things like the movement of the stars and why humans can talk but frogs can't. The fact that there are so many of these stories leads to only one conclusion: they are all false. The scientific method is showing all of them to be false, too.
- Human qualities of "gods." The Genesis story gets around this by saying that God made us in his image, not the other way around, but it's not very convincing if you think about it.
- Tribalism. Us vs. Them. Our group of primates wants to survive and make the other group not survive. If we dehumanize them by making their belief systems wrong, it's easier to kill them. They may look like us, but it's not murder if you kill someone who's different on the inside. How do you know if they're different? If they're our neighbors, only their gods will be different.
- Bullshit rules. Rules about food. Rules about sex. Rules about hair. Rules about clothes. Rules about bullshit ceremonies. WTF? I can see how societies might want to regulate some antisocial behaviors, but what's antisocial about cutting your hair or eating a ham sandwich?
- Bullshit ceremonies. Speaking of bullshit ceremonies, again, I can see how a society might want to put its seal of approval on marriages or say goodbye to the deceased (in a way that won't bring maggots into the town) but the rest...? Christians have their cannibalistic ritual. Hindus have magic powder that they dribble around. Muslims stick their asses in the air five times a day. Haitians dance around until they believe they've been possessed. What a bunch of hooey. I don't do any of those things and I don't think I'm missing out at all.
- Life after Death fantasies. This is another commonality. Sure, we don't want to die. We also don't want to believe that our loved ones are truly gone when they die, but this life is very likely (like 99.99999%) all there is. Again, the fact that every culture has this fantasy and that none of them have the same fantasy is pretty good reason not to believe any of them. Notice that when people talk about Heaven they never mention anyone but the people they knew in life as hanging out there? And maybe their pets. They don't think that their granny might be in Hell or that they'll be sharing praise duty with millions of babies that died from cholera and dysentery before society started cleaning up water supplies.
- Fantasy of being able to make things go your way. This has probably been going on since before recorded history. Make it rain. Make it stop raining. Make the crops grow. Make the antelope slow down. Make the stock market improve. Make my team beat your team. Make the little girl with leukemia survive. None of religion's promises to change events has ever been shown to make a difference except to give comfort and false hope to the people entertaining the fantasy. Comfort and hope are not bad things, but do you really have to deny reality to feel better in times of stress? And doesn't it create more stress when things don't go your way despite praying or dancing or chanting for the supernatural being(s) to intervene?
- Resistance to change. Sure, tradition is one of the things that binds a community but religion gives people an excuse to resist positive change. People are against marriage not because of their prejudices. Believers who aren't prejudiced seem to handle the idea of people making a lifetime commitment just fine. Ditto, in the old (I hope) days when it was illegal for people of different races to marry.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Top Ten Reasons why Religion Is Bullshit
As an American of course I do tend to focus on Christianity's idiocy, but they're all baloney. I tried to find something less offensive than Christianity, but all the other religions fail.
That's my list off the top of my head. From what I've read about current affairs, history, and other cultures, these things seem fairly universal and they are all detrimental. The population of the world is about to hit seven billion. That's twice what it was fifty years ago (if that). Our species won't survive if we allow bullshit to keep us from solving our shared problems.
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Wow "LA" that is a really good list. Awesomeness.
This is pretty bad, even from an atheist perspective. I would rate it down but this blog doesn't have votes :p
Yours is an accurate list; certainly much more could be added.
After experiencing the second visit by "doorbell missionaries" wanting me to take their pamphlets, I decided to write up my own. I am always pleasant when the LDS and J-Witnesses come to the door and try to engage them in discussion. Usually they start to shift uncomfortably and clearly want to move on.
The deal now is that I will take their reading material if they will take mine. Maybe they'll toss it, maybe they will be curious. But I tried to spell out why I lost my belief over time.
You can see a copy of my 2-page "Missionary Pamphlet" here. It's not copyrighted so anyone is free to use it if they wish.
oooh thank you! I have wanted to do that too but I didn't have anything to give out. I missed the JW's on May 22. They came to my door and left a pamphlet about the endtimes. Apparently they somehow knew I hadn't been raptured.
Genesis is only one of hundreds of creation stories. Every culture on Earth seems to have one.
This not only means that humans have a built-in tendency to dream up origin myths, it also shows how absurd it is to think such myths have any connection with reality, since they're all so different from each other.
Superstitions vary at random all over the world, and it's pretty much a historical accident that led to one of the countless origin myths being privileged over the hundreds of others in the minds of modern people.
By contrast, evolutionary biology and even the major cosmological theories are consistent among scientists all over the world.
i totally agree with u ... i hav kicked my religion outta my life n now 2dae i m an explicit atheist
And you aren't going to heaven............
I'm praying for you.
My thoughts entirely, what I find particulary annoying is that many religeons refer to their blinkered belief systems as 'the truth' when in fact they have absolutly no interest in what may or maynot be true as long as they can maintain the idiootic fantasies.
"I'm praying for you"
And we'll think for you ;)
Yeah this totally is what I daydream about when people blag on about religion, science has PROVED everything they talk about, all the theories they made up brought them to the moon, while religious people sat and wondered what the moon was for thousands of years.
THANK YOU! jeeze, my thoughts exactly.
Well may God bless you. I pray for you all non believers.
I do believe that contrary to many opinions above that it is possible to be religious/spiritual AND intelligent. It saddens me that some find joy in putting others with differing opinions down.
Think of it as enlightenment. At least they are not doing what religions, did and still do: physically put others with different opinions down.
Im sure you meant literally. And i agree w robinorr, but this isn't usually isn't the case. The ones who are intelligent and understand both" sides " usually form opinions in a way that makes sense too them, understanding certain aspects of science through religion and or vise versa. Like , say, evolution exists, and was created by god. Good point. But the majority of the religious are products of a rearing process that starts from birth, not allowing for a true unbiased opinion to even be formed. And no i dont beleive everything in science either, that's been wrong too, its simply the best we've got.
Base your lifestyle one? Lifestyle? You know, your case would have been more palatable had you said "way of life" or "a civlization/society" instead of lifestyle. Lifestyle sounds trite and shallow, something a stupid valley girl might say. And valley girls tend not to believe in transcendental realities, unless you count the magic of hairspray and the feeling of buying a new Coach bag as a transcendental reality. Are you...a valley girl?
Anonymous: unbiased? Wow. You do realize that being born in a particular time and place i.e. being human, entails being "biased", that is, formed within a particular culture. It's always white, bourgeois liberals that tend to "celebrate" other people's culture, but then want to be "unbiased" thus tacitly implying they're ultimately better than those brown/yellow/whatever people and their cute little cultures. Bias is not the terms your looking for. And besides, you can switch religions. If you can't, then you're too brainless to worry about. Religious people with brains are those who actually understand their religion, not those who treat it like some cultural club they belong to. Nonsense.
Science doesn't "prove" everything. Science has theories for everything, which by definition is a system of ideas to explain everything. That doesn't prove anything, that's just an idea.
Im 18 years old and from the UK.
So naturally everyone just assumes Im young, naive and dont know what Im talking about...Which is fair.
However...At least I have the reasoning to look at two sides of a disscussion.
For example, my grandmother is a firm beliver in God and all that surrounds it...Often she has taken me to church and iv just had to "Smile and wave" for her sake.
Deeo down knowing its all a fast...Religeon is the biggest STORY (Not to be confused with Fact) ever told.
Think logically about it...Dis-regard all prior knowledge on the subject and just think about it.
If religeon was genuine...Why do murders occur and why do some murders go unsolved?
Why has the biggest community of faith (Christians) have some of the most prized artifacts in the world, equivilant to millions of pounds (billions?)...Yet have some of the poorest followers alive, christians that die of starvation...And Christians who have massive solid gold chains with crosses, and of course the Christian that abuses children!
Religeon contradicts itself and proves its all bull without the help of science...Thou shal not murder...Christians have murdered those who dis-agree from the begininng and still do so to this day.
Love thy neighbour...Next joke people.
Open your eye and see for your self before beliving the word of money grabbing, fear mongering fiends.
*Apologies for poor spelling and grammar, This was wrote on a smart phone (Thank you science)
this is a nice review of religion. i'm a jewish atheist and i think that all of this bible crap is just wrong. i mean, why do i can't eat meat and milk together, or eat certain things or even touch my wife just cuz a stupid book says so? awesome list and awesome explanation
Blogs like this give bullshit a bad name.
Bullshit serves a useful purpose whereas religion only poisons things. Cow excrement does not deserve an association with religion.
What many people that supposedly understand evolution do not understand is that religion is the product of evolution. It evolved with all other things like viruses and disease that cause death. Evolution requires two things to occur, regeneration and death to make resources available for further experiments in survival of the fittest.
Trying to stop religion using reason is a waste of time. I am convinced that religion (a virus of the mind) started to develop long before the spoken word.
I've included your "thoughts" on religion in my blog: http://talkingcure.surroundedbyidiots.org/2012/12/christopher-hitchens-is-wrong-intelligent-reasons-why-religion-isnt-bullshit/. I'm curious to see if you're actually tolerant of criticism.
tell me about it i dont know what to belive but im shore as hell not losing my family and friends for it.
All religion is severe Delusional MENTAL ILLNESS! A delusion that there is an imaginary MALE Diety who judges and punishes and rewards us for proper or improper behavior is insane!
Humans are the only creature that can contemplate their death. They fear death and cannot cope with the thought of it.
Humans cannot deal with their animal instincts and SEX, so they make up rules to cope with them and call this Religion.
Humans wrote the Torah, Bible, Koran and other holy books.
How can GOD have gender. always referred to as a MAN--HE, HIM, HIS, KING etc.? Why would god who created the sun, the earth, and formed man out of dust --need a human woman Mary to create a son? Why would god allow the torure of his son to forgive bad actions of people thousands of years later? Belief in this fantasy/fable is a delusion and total insanity!
Where was god during --Hiroshima Bomb, the holocaust? The WTC attack? On vacation?
Why would a diety want a week old baby to suffer excruciating pain from a scalpel cutting his penis?
God didn't protect the children of Newtown Connecticut because he was busy listening to prayers about football games and Christmas presents ;-)
says robinorr22:
"I do believe that contrary to many opinions above that it is possible to be religious/spiritual AND intelligent. It saddens me that some find joy in putting others with differing opinions down."
It saddens me that some find joy in putting others with differing opinions down.
Oh hmmmmm this sounds like... RELIGION!?! oh my hypocritical much? What has religion been doing for the past two thousand years that this? Imposing their own opinions on others who think differently through death, destruction, subjugation, crusades?
Religion is a mental illness!
@AnonymousDecember 29, 2012 at 12:13 AM----Preach! That is exactly how I feel. It's all so sexist that a man CLEARLY wrote this Biblical drivel. People need to just stop and actually think about what they "believe" in. Most are simply indoctrinated into a religion and never question a thing. They in turn force it upon their children. It's just ridiculous.
It may be time to come up with a religion that is smart enough for these times but religion isn't all bullshit. Too many people think they either have to completely subscribe to an established belief or not. I partially subscribe and I think a lot of others do too. I know there is bullshit but not all of it. Stop listening to what other people say about religions and make your own judgement. I mean really, if it was all that false would there be so many people going to church!!?
The dangerous people are the atheists who have been that way their whole lives. Now I didn't say ALL the atheists so make sure you know which ones I'm talking about. If you have never had any religion or teaching that gave you an appreciation for other souls then I don't want to be associated with you but I'll pray for your soul. The world doesn't revolve around you. If you cannot wake up to that then you might pay the price later. Later in life or in a later life.
Read "The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton. It explains everything. Subconscious manipulations and misinterpretations. Actually quite simple, and religion is even more profoundly stupid when you comprehend it. Read it religious, don't be scared...oh wait you are that's why you won't read that book and why you will read the false life-manual your dummy parents gave you when you were tiny and your brain was soft. Cut your losses, it's utter nonsense.
Christians believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share their beliefs will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering, only they"have EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to the HEREAFTER" And yet consider christianity the most "tolerant" and "loving." The universe is full of good, giving human beings, different beliefs they've had for centuries, with different dogmas/ doctrines. While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince them otherwise, some IDIOT rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity. Humans, all things living on the universe are made up of water & minerals, everything renews itself, were all part of the universe as a whole.. Christians didnt invent love, giving, it belongs to all..Coexist, live let live.
To be totally honest, religion isn't bad because it gives people the moral support they feel that they need during rough times but it just kills me when they start projecting it all as truth and as something high and almighty.
"I pray for you" is definitely what annoys me the most. I don't need you to pray for me and save me. It's as if in saying so your belief is that you are a higher being with the ability to save me, a poor soul who will burn in hell for not believing in something that isn't concrete truth. if God loves everyone equally, as they all say, He will love believers and non-believers equally because no life is worth more than another regardless of whether or not they were a believer or non-believer.
btw, just because you confess your sins and pray for forgiveness doesn't mean it erases all the harm that you have done to others. morality isn't something you just get by believing in religion. it's something you have to believe in a practice everyday.
You have to remember that human beings are not perfect? Don't base religion on what people do and say because we all make mistakes and do bad things In our nature whether you know you have morals or not because either way you do. And don't put all religions I'm ONE category because some are completely different. Some are completely subjective while others connect to historical background. Its harder to believe that there is no higher intelligence and that everything around us is by coincidence than having a creator. That to me is a leap of faith. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is lame." -Albert Einstein. Where did anyone get the idea that science and religion have to be seperated? They can easily be connected which is why you can't prove that God is real, but you also CANT prove that God is real.
Anonymous, you are misquoting Einstein. He was an atheist and he attempted to straighten people out but you believers are so desperate to justify your faith you will misrepresent without shame.
You sound more like a deist. This post was about religion, and if you can name one that is not based on revelation please post about it here
When we die, we will know what's true and what isn't. As it stands now, religion is just stories and science is just theories. Both Piss me off equally.
Science is just theories? Go to the skyscraper then jump ....see that gravity is just a theory......hahahahahaha
Even if God isn't real, he still provides comfort through prayer to millions of people throughout the world. I don't understand why so many atheists feel entitled to try to take that away from so many people.
I'm not sure "entitled" is the correct word. And you can't take a fantasy away from someone who clings to it.
But... atheists certainly have a right to call out religion for its destructiveness and to point out false beliefs. There are other ways to find comfort than to embrace a fantasy.
This is actually a good post on an opinion basis. But that's all to it, the basis of everything you do not believe in is only up to the level of comprehension which corresponds to your own opinion. This post does not show anything else rather than your good sense of common sense and rational thinking. (Saying this in a good way)
and yeah to all who's so called "faith" is praying for us non-believers. In a hundred more or less years your faith will become courses in class being considered as a myth. Students will be studying your religions for fun and leisure and the kids will cheat. In a hundred years more or less everything that you believe in will become just another good story to tell and make movies out of.
I agree 100% with Lady Atheist. There are SO many flaws and faulty logic that can be found within every religion. For example, Christians/Catholics will state that their God is all-powerful and all-loving, but at the same time punishes his children and sends them to hell. WTF? Also, why would God ask for anything in return? That's why I don't believe in worship since almost every religion claims that putting one's self before others is wrong. Besides, you have to admit that, deep down inside, every human being is selfish. Then, some will say that God is omnipotent, already fully aware of the past, present, and future, which implies that the future is pre-determined, but at the same time God gives us all a free will? That already contradicts itself.
Although I come from a very religious Catholic family from both sides, I still think that religion is total bs. Lady Atheist made a good point by noting that most religions aim to explain natural phenomena with unproven (and extremely ridiculous) theories along with other fallacies. I think that society just has to suck it up and admit that once we're gone, we're gone. There is a good chance that most religious people are either in extreme denial about reality or just plain retarded. Plus, a couple of "epiphanies" and "personal experiences", no matter how convincing, do not prove anything.
Although science cannot satisfy everyone's curiosity and answer all the questions that men have, society will remain in a downward spiral unless we all come to our senses. Like the famous writer Ernest Hemingway once said "All thinking men are Atheists". I think we should be sending food to the starving people in Africa, not bibles.
I was going to write a long-winded speech here, but I'll simply say that I agree with you, Lady Atheist. Yours is a concise, well-reasoned list of the major issues I have with religion.
To all those reading this - I'm not necessarily an atheist. I'm not sure exactly WHAT I believe, to be honest with you. But it's important to understand that there is a world of difference between 'faith' and 'religion. Faith is what you (the SINGULAR you) believe in your heart of hearts. RELIGION seeks to exploit that for someone elses' purpose - who in all likelihood does NOT have the best interests of their followers at hear. Faith is a wonderful thing; but bear in mind that, historically, religion has done far more harm than good.
"Faith is a wonderful thing"
Um...faith made a group of lunatics hijack and fly planes into buildings in NYC.
I used to think there was "good" faith and "bad" faith when I was part of the flock. Now that the lightbulb came on, I believe all faith is bad because it, by definition, is based on conjecture, which leads to uncertain outcomes.
Society would be MUCH better off basing all its decision making on reason, evidence and logic.
Says a person from a religion that used to burn people at the stake for disagreeing with them.
If I may add something very simple, probably something so obvious that no one else thought to say it but I think it still bears mention:
There is no proof.
Ask the best and brightest apologists for what proof they can offer and all you'll get is a three-step philoso-babble answer like the Ontological, Transcendental or some other cocktail of fast talk, fancy words and thinly disguised logical fallacies. They have no hard evidence that the Bible itself promises to produce.
They have no store of magical artifacts that can be submitted for scientific, peer-reviewed, repeatable testing. For example, Paul supposedly had magical handkerchiefs that could heal the sick.
They can't produce either the voice of their god or an appearance by any angels, though their god was happy to introduce his son to everyone at Jesus' baptism. Angels also intervened frequently in the Bible. "Acts" is drenched with examples, from political assassinations to jail breaks. The Judeo-Christian god in the Bible is neither shy nor subtle yet nowhere to be found today.
The Christians can produce no demonstrations of their supernatural powers, though Jesus promised that people of faith would have them (see Mark 16:17-18). The Gospels make similar promises about the power of faith elsewhere, including the ability to cast mountains into the sea by belief alone.
The very fact that "faith" is exalted as a virtue is a tacit admission that there is no evidence to be found. The "blah blah blah therefore Jesus" arguments, even before analyzed for logical fallacies, fail to meet the burden of proof (extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and abstract philosophy alone doesn't cut it).
When an admiral mocked Darth Vader's religion, Darth Vader didn't offer the Transcendental Argument for the Force. He accepted the burden of proof and provided a compelling demonstration that couldn't be confused for a natural occurrence or coincidence.
(For those wondering, deism is a little more than atheism with poetic flourishes)
I agree 100 percent religion was created to explain the unexplained and then it was used to control illiterate people in the dark ages but now there is no more room for religion in modern day. It causes way too many problems that if weren't there we could focus on bettering man kind
The human ego can’t accept it’s simple mortality and doesn’t want to die. Religion offers the idea of life or existence continuation in some form after death. The believer devrives comfort feeling they are escaping death in a sense…
Most religions follow a theme. Follow the rules equals an extreme “positive”, like passage to some kind of nirvana, while conversely dis-obeying the rules will result in an extreme negative (going to hell etc.) The carrot or stick motivators (behaviour geared around pain and pleasure stimuli.)
Religion offers a believer an easy “life purpose”, i.e. being a “good servant” of the prescribed religion, versus actually doing the hard work of defining their own existing and life purpose or direction.
Religion gives the believer “a perceived edge or hope” to a desired outcome, when they are in a situation of no control (make it rain, terminal illness, win the lotto)
On deeper reflection, perhaps we don’t want to admit, as a species that fundamentally we are only motivated by two forces: Acquisition of a positive “PLEASURE” and avoidance of a negative “PAIN”.
Can you think of anything action you have ever done that, at the deepest level, is not motivated by these forces ?
Jesus is an idiot all he taught was confusion. Then sent twelve idiotes to preach his ministry that suppose to save the world, and this is what we get everybody for themselves. He must have been bipollar ego centric.
Yes religion is an excuse for people who are lazy and full of fear to live their purpose.I was also brainwashed for years with the Bible
Lol good one....
First off, You can't be a Jewish atheist. Second all of you people imply that you can't have science and religion. That is completely and 100% false. Religion and science work on a completely different axis. While science requires logical reasoning, religion requires faith. If you think they contradict, you haven't thought in depth. Next, if you complain about this book and that it's stupid and wrong, just close the fucking book and never look back. The whole point of religion is that god wrote the book.
There are secular Jews or cultural Jews - people who consider themselves ethnically Jewish but don't believe in a god.
Certainly there are believers who compartmentalize and *mostly* embrace science, but if you only accept the scientific method when it suits you, that's not honest, and the whole point of the scientific method is to eliminate personal bias to achieve a truthful result. So, no you can't *really* be a believer and a real scientist at the same time because you're not completely dedicated to the truth based on evidence.
You had no reasoning as to why you felt the ways you did about Christianity and this article made no sense whatsoever. All of your points were invalid and uneducated. Before you bash a religion, you should read up about it and make sure all of your points actually apply to the principles of the religion, which yours did not cover. All of the points you made only dissed the stereotypes of Christianity, so it wasn't really offensive at all. it just proved you know absolutely nothing about that religion.
There was probably a good reason to ban ham and pork products 2000 years ago. They noticed that people kept getting sick when they ate under cooked pork... so they banned pork. To make sure people shunned pork they made it a God offense to eat pork. Although, if bacon had been around back then, I doubt the whole pork is evil thing would have failed.
I wish religion was true, though it is not, just so I could go to Hell. It would be fun seeing everybody around me being tortured.
ya cause brainwashing people to believe in your beliefs, asking for money every single week cause "god" needs them dollars, marriage to 2 3 4 or 5 partners, or extreme cases where women are slaves to their husbands based a religious belief, how about sex with kids? that's all fine and dandy as long as your religious, get real people, its a get out of jail free card for hideous acts against all of humanity, its easy to say its not so bad when your the ones causing the problem in the first place.
I am also not a religious person but the points you make are plain hatred towards religious people. I agree that religion has so many irrational things but I believe there are certain things beyond religion which are larger than life and you'd believe only if you'd experience, a proof cannot be given in many cases. If a criminal does not leave behind any trace, he cannot be prosecuted in court due to lack of evidence and proof but would that mean he is not a criminal? World is not in black and white and your hatred towards all religions means you are one of them.
i am a lady atheist too and i think all religious people are fools dumb hypocrits and cowards
You dont have to prove that God exists or science is real, to show that religion causes war.
You dont have to follow a religion to be spiritual and believe in God.
Being religious doesn't make you moral.
If every religion is the right one, there are a lot of religious people who are wrong.
I'll best hope is for the human brain to evolve out of religious ideas. This may take a few centuries more, unfortunately. I really believe religion is like a disease. If you notice, over the course of documented human history, religion has adapted to social changes and scientific discoveries. It's struggling to survive against the facts. How long can people continue to delude themselves?
All hail our lord and savior Bilbo Baggins!
How many wars fought by primarily athiests? How many people have we killed for having a different opinion than us? How many societies have we destroyed with the power of indoctranation. Athieism is not what overpopulated and killed the Earth, it was the stubborn people who believed in a god.
I wonder how all the religious people found this blog post hahahahaha
Look at the stupid accommodationist filth on 4/25/2014 who thinks that any of this is hateful.
You want hateful? Look at the christfilth genocidal hate manual, where it's okay not only to enslave people and murder them en masse, it's okay to torture them forever, too--all if they dare to disagree with you.
Nothing more.
Typical accommodationist trash: Too stupid to know what reality looks like.
Don't bother praying for me,it won't do any good while you and i and my dog spot decompose in the earth.you won't be seeing mom and dad or grandpa again..,.,.amen
I don't believe all that religion crap, I think most of the bible is lies. I think atheist is a religion too lol I have no religion,I am just me with my thoughts and theories. I almost think Lucifer and Yahweh are aliens that fought to control us. How do you control things? FEAR is how you control. You have sex before marriage, consume to much food, or have pride in yourself your gonna spend eternity in the fire pit. If your good and obey my rules you will go to this heaven. All Lucifer did in the bible is tell us the truth and he is bad? maybe he was trying to stop Yahweh and Yahweh didn't like it so he portrayed him as the devil. What happens to us when we die, I guess we will find that out when we die. I do think there is more after life but it's nothing like any of us think.
Religions are nothing but false beliefs. Today people who are religious have no will of their own. They go by there books. They don't think for them self. They don't see what their doing to them selves or to their children. Im a highschool student and i talk to people who are christians. Every time i try to explain to them their beliefs are nothing but a joke that has brain washed the kids today. They reply you dont believe in god? My reply is no? And this is wbat they always say oh you must be a satanist then.same with my parents i try to explain to them how nothing the bible says is real but nope they say thats satan talking there. Btw my whole family is full of christians. But ever since i was little i knew their words in the bible was fake. How are you suppose to believe something that was wrote such a long time ago.you have to think about it how are you suppose to know if what they say is true unless you were them or you were there at the time and felt what they felt.
I have a lot more but I think I've said enough.
Btw all Cristains who read this don' reply to this because no one cares for what you got to say unless you step over the line and see our point of view
(Sorry if typing was bad using my phone to type all this)
hello lady atheist,
Here's another one to add to your list: religions enable patriarchal societies to continue discrimination against women. Just about all religions maintain the notion that women are weaker, inferior and exist to obey and to reproduce.
Religions are only about brain-washing. What religion you are is the result of who brainwashed you with what nonsense when you were little - or what you chose to brainwash yourself with when you were older and desperate. Sad that we cannot stand up on our own feet and face our human condition without the fantasy of religion to prop us up.
True. If I do a 12 reasons I'll include that. I don't want to be pigeon-holed as a feminist atheist, because I'm just a lady atheist. I don't speak postmodernist lingo, but I see things from a female perspective. (hence the pink design!)
Marry me.
Jk but I agree with your point of view. Religion is bullshit, without it we would progress at a faster rate. All someone needs to do is think for a moment, without biased, to see how ridiculous religion is. A giant man in the sky watching over our every action, judging us for every little detail. I think I that's both a stalker and some one who has nothing better to do.
And you aren't going either, because there isn't one.
Finally, another person that sees religions with the same perspective as mine. I congratulate you, Lady, because you have truly evolved, not physically but mentally. Im adding this to my favourite websites. Great job.
No there is a difference between laws and theories. LAWS ARE PROVEN. Say for instance newtons 3 LAWS of physics. Or tha LAW of gravity.THEORY ARE JUST IDEAS. Like the theory oof evolution
Anonymous, comments posted to articles that are over 2 weeks old go into moderation, and I considered deleting yours rather than publish it, but then I realized.... its just too stoopid not to let it see the light of day.
Evolution is proved by many methods. It doesn't matter what you call it -- it's true and Genesis is not. Period.
I am 100% atheist! I don't have a belief system! I (like the science community) accept evolution as fact...backed by mountains of evidence...ongoing discoveries...science logic & rational sensibility! God & Satan are ancient manmade characters! The ancients didn't have the knowledge or technology we now have! God is ancient man's guess on where humans come from! Brilliant guess for back in the day thinking! Science has disproved all religion! How many mistakes has religion claimed to be right but proven wrong by science? The list goes on & on! I don't respect any religion that goes against basic human rights! Most are guilty of that! How any human can read the bible & not be repulsed by it let alone defend it is beyond me! Religion needs only one thing...ERADICATION! It has & is doing more harm than good! Religion & or a belief in a higher being is the greatest insult to the intelligence of the human race! Thanx for reading my little rant! Peace my brothers & sisters!
There is a logical explanation (truth) for everything that happens in the cosmos. If you cannot find it, it's simply because you do not have the technology or intellectual capacity.
We should always admit what we don't know and strive, with every generation,to seek out the truth.
We should never fill the void with fiction and illusions, however comforting it may be.
I hate it when people say "I'll pray for you" AS IF they are better then you because they believe and others like myself don't. How narcissistic.
My religious friend said "What if you die and you find out you were wrong?" and I said "then he will forgive me, but if YOU die and there is no god then you will be floating around wondering wtf?? And you will be more upset then me" LOL
I am atheist but I have to say this to believers:
God is "suppose" to be perfect. If something is perfect it needs nothing, if something is perfect it creates perfection.
Look at deformed people, that is imperfection therefore god is not perfect, therefore god does not exist.
Prayer doesn't work, if it did then there would be no starving people in third world countries, unless, believers are praying for the wrong thing.
Seems like god is more interested in helping athletes get goals, helping people find their car keys, help celebrities get awards instead of eliminating the world of disease and disasters. Gods priorities are phk'd up I'd say. More reason that its all bullshit.
"Well may God bless you. I pray for you all non believers.
I do believe that contrary to many opinions above that it is possible to be religious/spiritual AND intelligent. It saddens me that some find joy in putting others with differing opinions down."
Right. Christians are the ones being homophobic, ethnocentric and sixist. You are the ones who say if we don't believe you we go to hell.
The notion of God is beyond science and human intellect. In one fold we know who god is. We are gods A L L A H equal are leg leg are head. We made all that we see including religions. We give and take life and judge. We live forever via dna. And with in this we search for a greater higher being. One we can identify as the supreme being. Yet understanding it and identifying it is far beyond all minds on earth ever. It is a being beyond the restriction of this tiny planet in a tiny solar system in a tiny galexy in a tiny universe that contains billions of planets billions of galexies a d billions of universes. Scientific theory. Yet supreme being isnt restricted by it or our tiny minds. I cant affirm it exist. But i can say iam god
Wow. Very kickass. Loved it. I really wish that religion never got thought up. Think of all that we could have been... without all that psychotic nonesense.
Lol youre not an atheist, and if you are you don't seem far off the religious nuts. Any rational person can see this list points out clear, obvious flaws in religion that prove it is utter bullshit
I don't give a shit about god. Just listen to these preachers talk all they want is your $$$
Hi. What about Buddhism which doesn't posit supernatural entities? Seems like this does not fit many of your claims for all religions. Buddhism is focused on internal issues of the self and does not require divine intervention
I personally like the quote "Science took us to the moon and religion took us into buildings".
Religion has been adapted so much to what it was in ancient times and people have just changed and made up things just to suit them. A lot of thiests i know say that god does not have to be real to believe in him and i just think what's the point then because that would then eventually end up with you just believing anything and trying to convince others to believe as well. Religion is utter shit and i cannot believe you have to be taught it in schools ( It's like having lessons about Santa or unicorns).
Religious people have officially lost the plot.
1) I love how people say we're created in their god's image.I'm sure if we were created in "his" image, we'd all look like a bunch of bearded fat asses. As that's how I think they view him.
2) Nearly every Christian is prejudice. Telling their children their going to a mythical magic place of fire and demons for their sexuality. Really. If the bible was created hundreds/thousands of years ago, over time I'm sure some ass face changed the wording at some point in time. You're better off believing in the story of king Arthur and the knights of the round table.
3) Christians believe in anything that's written in a magical fairy tale book full of stories of some sort of necromancy with a demigod raising out of the ground looking brand new. And magic demon snakes and bushes on fire (giggity) speaking to people. Maybe I should try speaking to a goat?
4) Christians deny any sort of logic or reason. Science is some sort of witch craft to them. They also deny the evidence of human evolution and the forming of our planet. But I guess their emotional opinion is always correct.
5) Christians believe they can save someone's life by looking at the ceiling and praying verses from the Bible like some sort of freestyle rap that makes no sense.
6) Christians frown upon sex unless you're married to someone, so until you put a ring on it you can't put your pork in it.
That's all I have to say, and frankly I don't give a damn if anyone has to say. I will say what I want, and say it when I want.
What is bullshit is the argument. To argue whether religion is bullshit or not with a believer, is a bullshit argument. Because we blame the person who believes, instead of blaming the circumstances of colonialism, or forced religious conversions, of poverty. In times of stability, people choose to do as they please rather than worship something that curbs their freedoms. Poverty is what makes people cling so hard to religion as their world is filled with the very chaos we generate, and clinging is a natural emotional response to the hell that was raised. So stop blaming the victim, stop raising hell!
One of the things that puzzles me about 'believers' is, if they REALLY believe in an afterlife and some kind of 'heaven', why then do they grieve when a loved one dies? If it's just a matter of time and they will be with them again, what's the big deal? I had to watch my 39 year old son die in agony from cancer 10 years ago. I nearly lost my mind because I live in reality. I would gladly embrace any religion if I thought it would enable me to see my son again but I believe that when we die ,the lights go out forever.
Some people call funerals "home-going" or something like that to indicate it's a happy thing. Or they'll mourn the death of a baby saying "Heaven needed another angel."
Authentic reactions to death are more painful but authenticity itself makes up for it imho
I don't believe in religion because-why any good man should do good things just to go heaven. Why not because of free will......!!
I stopped believing in God when I was an acolyte at age 13 taking communion. I realized that any "God" that would require humans to worship them to gain access to heaven or burn in hell was just a frail incantation of our own making. Why worship such a deity with an inferiority complex.
Its simple just help one in need i am sure if there is any god or entity will be very happy.
Well im 18 livin a chicago life style n I do agree wit listen to both sides of the story. ButI I am also brain wash by the king james holy bible. Bcuz these Iis wat I was born into. My gran parents lived and died to the holy bible. Now belive Iit or not there are several different god ppl belive in. To me religion is different option of life style to choose from. But only one god created the earth. Now we kno that human can reproduce so there is no fact that a god created men. Now to me religion has a lot to do with slavery religion puts every race in slavery
Religion is a right load of shite. I'll be honest I have fantasies about hell in a non-religious aspect, but only in the same way that one would have an imagination toward a fantasy novel. It's a fictional setting that I like the idea of, but I never based it off of any religious dictation.
I just can't understand how people live their lives in a massive fantasy belief that we were all magically spawned on this planet as we are. I mean, at least I know my visage on hell is something that can never physically exist!! Once you die, you're fucking maggot food!!!
Robert the Skeptic, I absolutely loved your Missionary Pamphlet and downloaded it. Many times people question my lack of belief and it's great to have such an organized response at my fingertips. The next time I tell someone that I am secular, I will enjoy handing them your pamphlet before they offer to pray for my soul.
Last week, I was shopping with my husband and 2 kids (4yrs and 2 yrs). A lady and her daughter of my age pushed me and my kids aside and started picking the dresses on sale. Someone next to me help us from falling or my daughter would have been hurt. I was furious yet calmly asked the lady not push. She yelled, "ARE U A TRUE CHRISTIAN? I DID NOT PUSH U or UR DAUGHTER" and the entire shopping complex was staring at us. I was shocked, what has religion to do with all this! Though my husband said please ignore, I gave her a piece of my mind. Why do ppl ask "are you a god fearing person, why do u do this!"? Are all God fearing ppl righteous? When I am not interested in someone preaching to me, all I get is "I will pray for your soul, the Lord is forgiving"!!!!! If truly there is a God, maybe he is wondering, "Hell! what have I created"!
Interesting exchange. I had been having doubts about such beliefs, religious as well as scientific(which gets proved/disproved in routine intervals)and have come to conclude that these are essentially needed for a peaceful society. Of course there is religious strife, but that is price we are paying to prevent a much greater disharmony, one which can be seen among all forms of life during the mating season.
So your saying that science cannot prove that our brains send certain messages to our body in certain situations? That science cannot prove what elements are in water? That science cannot prove that fire started by molecules vibrating at very fast rates? Your saying that all of those things are just ideas? Just theories? Really? What device did you use to make that comment may I ask?
Nothinh but A useless pile of bones after death , believing in heaven is exactly the same as believing in Santa Claus
I'm so glad to get to this website. I'm so sick and tired of those naive believers that I ended up searching for people with the same thoughts as I am. Needless to say, my faith in humanity after reading your post - restored.
Reading through the comments I see some believers retaliating against your post - funny thing is they never really managed to argue back (either due to inability to or they cannot be bothered to reply). The things they say contradict themselves.
"God" will damn you to Hell if you don't behave according to his rules, but if you atone for your sins then he loves you like nothing ever happened? Wow! If Hitler, or any other serial killer for that matter, had showed remorse after the massacre he'd orchestrated, I bet he would go to Heaven with y'all believers too!
Oh but wait! Which religion is the one that frowns upon change? Christianity. "We are kind and inclusive people" - suppresses people according to their sexuality, talks down on other religions/non-believers, saying they will goto Hell because they don't believe in their "God" (in a cheap attempt to brainwash those poor, helpless and desperate people to convert to their religion).
"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me walk upon the waters." - Holy shit! Because this Spirit is the one that silently approves of all the drama happening around the world, am I right?
Yes, religion is bullshit. All of them are and full of contradictions and flaws even to themselves. Because they are made by human being. But whatever you say, don't you think that there is a beginning and an end as well as as a cycle? Who or what made this cycle is the source or creator of all and you may call it God or whatever you want to call it. What I really want to say is, you may not believe in religion but you have to believe the creator exist. Many people become atheist just because they are sick of religion (which is man made) and the stupid followers claiming they are the truest of all. Let's believe in the source and live our life with love and compassion and not hate. Hate will only make us the agents of destruction. The end of the world is near or not is based on what you do.
One Christian told me that I was posess ed by satan
I'm 12 and I became atheist when I was ten. Don't pray for me or hope God will show me the light. I even go to a catholic school. I think religion can šômètîmèš have good morals and is fun to learn about like social studies. And it is a whole load of bull Shite. But that is no reason to trash on it or followers of it.
Sixty one years old; I tried to believe, tried different churches. I really knew from the time I was 12 when I heard two women whispering in the congregation about the "long-haired boy" at church (it was the 60's). It never left my my mind and I thought what?
Loving, christian people? What a load of crap. Religion has harmed humanity and kept psychologists busy. My daughter got "saved" at the request of her husband 10 years ago. I'm gay and I said to her, are you telling me you believe your mom is going to hell? She said, "its between you and god." Thankfully, we laugh about it now because she put up with the nonsense for a short time before she got her wits back about her and quit religion. Phew, that was close. Thanks Lady Atheist. You're right on.
Religion is a hoax and has a lot of people fooled.
Surely u can believe in God. Without attaching religion to it! I believe there is something. Some bigger picture but not the man made crap religion humans have made up and brainwashed people for power. U can believe in God without church and stupid religion . Religion as created the most hatred in the world. U think in this day and age people might have start waking up a bit!
I don't personally think that there's anything wrong with believing in something. The problem is that this subjective truth of what we feel is true for ourselves becomes invalid when we try to bring it into the objective realm and apply it to other people. A good question here is: regardless of what you believe, why do you need other people to agree with you? Another question: if you don't want other people to tell you what to believe, why would you try to tell others what to believe? -- I don't think people consider this, or have appropriate respect in this regard. If someone believes in God for themselves, and they don't use that to hurt other people or themselves, how could it be wrong? I'm not so sure that it's these ideas which are inherently wrong so much as how people use them. I mean, religions are often soteriological, meaning they involve the idea of being saved from something, or finding the "right" way to live. That, in and of itself, is a perfectly noble idea. I'm not religious, and that's what I do in my own life, and it's helped me immensely. Yet, if this same drive is used to manipulate people, of course it'll become harmful. But it's not the idea itself that's wrong here, it's the act of manipulation. Our drives for food, sex, belonging, love, security, etc. are all perfectly natural and inherently just a list of things we feel the need for, as people, and there's nothing right or wrong about them. It's all about how we go about them. In this case, there are a lot of people being led around by their need to feel like there's good in the world, and to be a part of something. It's not right. People should be able to belong and feel there's good in the world without being manipulated. Especially with all the violence and horror in the world right now, and how privy we all are to it because of the Internet, it's important to hold onto some hope of goodness -- however one does that. It's more an act of emotional self-preservation than anything else. It's just that it should be our choice either way, nobody -- no matter who they are -- should be threatened or hated or manipulated into following certain beliefs or ideas, so long as they're not hurting anybody. -- And as we can see by the statistics, hurting people is independent of religion, race, gender, etc. There are people from every walk of life who have assaulted, robbed, murdered, etc. The commonality there is that they have no regard for other people. There are groups like this all over the world, some are white Christians called skinheads or Nazis, some are religious extremists called terrorists, some are non-religious people who are just called mentally ill or angry, some are from Norway, some are from France, some are from America, some are from the Middle East... It's the disregard for life, and the lack of respect they all have in common, not religion. I wish it were that easy, that it were something that you could see by looking at what someone is wearing or what language they're speaking or how/if they pray. It's not that simple, though. As the Wiccans say, "An it harm none, do what ye will..." -- Good, simple truth, there. I don't think it matters what else someone believes as long as respect is something they believe in. -- Because, if they have that, they can be called a "good" person by any definition, religion or not. I really don't think it's more complicated than that. I think all this fear, all this difficulty is just about one thing: respect. People call it by so many words that it gets obfuscated and lost and obscured, but it's really just that. Either you respect others, or you don't. That's the divide right there, something direct and concrete to pay attention to. -- At least, I know it cuts through the fog for me.
Religion is not above evolution. It is red in tooth and claw.
Non-aggressive religions don't survive long, so of course we are stuck with the aggressive ones, just as we are stuck with virulent diseases of other sorts.
If you attack religion and fail to eradicate it altogether, it always comes back stronger, like a resistant infection.
Aggressive religions need aggressive states to spread them. Aggressive states need religious excuses and promises of Valhalla to motivate their troops to immoral, suicidal acts. Co-evolved symbiosis.
You are very smart and I love your blog!! It seems like there are more and more smart people.
Science has also said that black people are Animals monkeys along with africans. Just say in science has fantasy too
*Believing in god,and heaven in a non metaphorical way is like believing in Santa Clause...
If you want to talk about how religion is bullshit and get people to listen than you really need to do more research and try a less cynical judgmental approach.
Try doing research on how the bible has been rewritten a couple hundred times. True story. The most recent rewrite was only 40 years ago.
Whoever is in power writes history. Our story changes every time someone new rises to power. Stop trusting a book and start asking questions. Start thinking for yourself and become independent. Do -Research- Never stop on belief because everything is constantly being proved wrong and changing. There is more to look into than just "religion's" or being "atheist" (which is also bullshit) If you actually look into these things more you will find a lot more answers.
There may not be a "god" in the way people think or even at all as a physical presence or otherwise. But definitely this is not it. There is something much greater waiting for us after this life.
Your comment is so obvious and to the point I love it. Good way of explaining lol
Tell that to Bill Maher. You should look up the definition of a Jew. It can include people of Jewish lineage whether or not they belive in Judaism.
totally agree with you.
Well robinorr2, when did was the first known signs of Christianity? I was a Christian at first, but soon I FL realized it was as fake as any other religions out there.
So would you kindly fuck off
NIce one
Wow I love this, the concept, the reason behind your reasons and everything regarding this topic. It explains everything I've been thinking and feeling when a "christian" tries to explain to me why I should worship Jesus and God and when Christians tell me I'm "going to hell".
"Praying for "
The dictionary definition of the absolute least you can do.
All the christians that say "bless you" are being asshole.
I'm beginning to think if we all thought less of religious afterlife and more of existing life on earth we might go some way to making a little more heaven in this world for everyone.
Obviously religion has such a great effect, even in the minds of otherwise logical people. The reason? Everyone loves bullshit. The more magical the stories the more believable they become and after hearing those stories enough we automatically start believing them and can't differentiate between fact and fiction. This is exactly why TV, The internet and Facebook are so good at dumbing down the population, because bullshit rules. Why else would tabloids remain so popular after most real NEWS reporting papers have failed. Look around folks. The question isn't IF you have been indoctrinated. The question is how MUCH because we all have been. But the only path to the truth is one that most will never attempt because it means your life will change (For the better) and most people can;t handle change. Back away from all that you know and approach them again with no influence from anyone. Now you will see the truth. Good Luck
Love to see the faces of the religious nuts and the sad parents who take toddlers to church,learning about some story written at least 30-40 years after some guy called jesus died!I'd love to see their face at that moment in time,the realisation that I was right all along by saying that God does NOT exist!my wife's family is religious and some of her siblings take the toddlers to church to be told to behave or spend an eternity in a pit of sulphur and demons etc......what a thing to teach anyone,let alone impressionable children under the age of 10.
Religion can suck my balls
Well said
Yeah I was brought up catholic and its bizarre how many intelligent people I went to school with continue to believe in an insane story book 'the bible' which tells of crazy stories and lifestyle choices which are clearly ignored by so called catholics who have the ordacity to preach the wrong doings of others, hypocrits!! Its the pigeon holing of people I hate!
Id like to say that religion is not true. Most likely, because people are afraid of ''going to hell" they become religous and say we pray for all non believers. As their bible says they should be praying when in fact they are trying to show other people that they are enlightened and are only ones who will be in heaven when stating that we will suffer some bullcrap in hell. Because of our curiosity we still follow this bearded man in the sky and havent forgotten in a long time ago. Me myself am not hating because I still want appear as an "sane" person to christians and not a retarded sinner. BTW im 13
Im happy people are out there that dont belive this crap. There need to be more storys and documentaries on evolution and not this recent crist crap shit.
Nooooo we evolved from bacteria that became fish then amphibians then reptiles then theropsids then mammals and thats it. no creator. Just a random chain of events that made us.
I'm with you Anonymous with "wish that religion was never thought up", I can't stress enough how irritating it is how brainwashed idiots can praise a so called god that doesn't exist. Reason why I choose not to have children that'll grow up in a world of fairy tales. Luckily, for me I NEVER feel victim to the idiotic belief about gods, Easter bunnies and Santa Clause
There are no gods, demons, devils. There is no supernatural, there is no spirituality. There is no heaven or hell. Nothing has ever been accomplished by prayer. There is no ESP. There is no afterlife. Religious people are delusional.
Read "The Atheist's Guide to Reality-- Enjoying Life without Illusions" by Alex Rosenberg. All the answers are there.
Religion is what makes the wars go round more have died in the name of some sky walker god than any disease or plague that's been here.people are week minded and need to feel secure in this world so if no answer is available its gods demise or his intervention wonder how the human race made it this far now for the real answer of all these gods is my brothers the aliens!!!!!haha
It all comes down to mortality. We're the only animal on earth with the intelligence to ponder its own fate. No others (apes, dogs, cats, fish...) are aware of their pending death.
The problem is, many of us just won't accept that end and we'll conjure up complicated belief systems (yes, all religions are inventions of humankind) that promise immortality. It's really that simple.
Unfortunately, this attraction of promised immortality is strong and almost irresistible. We now know that thunder isn't the clashing of angry gods in the heavens but the clashing of negatively and positively charged matter in the atmosphere. And yet we still cling to miracles, and virgin births, and resurrections, etc.
This stuff of religion would all be harmless fairy tales were it not for the fact that people are led to (and encouraged to) battle and kill for those beliefs.
People who are Christians only have 1 thing to revert to and that is a bible who the romans invented the new testament to fund their own war and the old testament that that follows the path of the sun and has been proven actually that is the only thing that actually makes sense . It took me 30 minutes to realize it was bullshit after I watched a video proving it anyone with a brain can see it is bullshit and the fact that Christians think you can't have moral values just because you don't take in their religion is bullshit too Wake up idiots
So how come Christians never talk about the bible follow the exact path of the sun just sayn
Hey watch it now. My wife is brainwash and I like it that way. Don't screw it up for those of us who have something to gain from religion!!
Hey don't screw it up for us men whose wives are brainwashed. We are superior!!
Manny of the deists here demanded for a proof before we decry their fantasy. They say since we cannot prove God to be nonexistent we should refrain from targeting that omnipotent creature ('HE' could have commented here himself saving their time and 'blessings'). All I could say is, I cannot prove how dumb the believers are either.
You know...maybe not sit there and try and tell people their beliefs are a joke. Because you know good and we'll that'd you'd be pissed if someone told you what you believed was a joke. This is why there is so much animosity. Both sides talking to the other so condescendingly. You're not helping any peace between the 2. There's logical debates, and then there is this childish bullshit.
Alight, idiots it's time for me to clear up all the absolute trash that you left here.
I was raised a Christian and am currently an agnostic. I think the bible is nonsense and was fueled by ancient people in power using their religion to make people do what they want. E.g Using the fear of hell to make them follow rules. One of my mates who recently became a Christian told me his thoughts on other religions. He simply put it as human interpretation.
I asked him, What makes Christianity the one true religion. He said simply, it isn't. He said that all religions (including his) were originally the different ways that ancient humans interpreted "God" and that the religions grew on from their encounters with the almighty being.
Whereas if you ask the majority of religious people they would say their religion was the one true religion.
The thing important here is that religion is all about what people believe. Some Christians hate gays some are gay.
So if you scrap away all the rules all the utter bullshit that comes with religion and just look at the simple idea of it, that's when you can judge it. Christianity is simply your relationship with god, him being the person that created everything. Because if I was religious I wouldn't know for 100% if the bible or religion in general was true unless I had experienced it first hand.
So atheists stop being utter condescending bitches cause the actual intelligent people you are talking to have ligetimate reason to belive what they believe just like you have reason to believe what you do. They have experience what they BELIEVE to be a god and just cause you haven't doesn't mean you can call them stupid or idiots or try and enforce your beliefs onto them. Some people are idiots. Some people are even bigger idiots and blame people being idiots on a religion.
If you have used apple products your whole life then suddenly switch to android and you love it. Wouldn't you try to get all your mates and everyone else to use android? Yet there will 100% be people who have only used apple and will refuse to even try android. Don't be that person. Be the guy who is willing to look at the pros and cons of each and decide on that.
Same goes with religion. If your atheist look at religion with an unbiased view and try to understand how they believe it. If you still think it's wrong fine but now at least you know from their point of view how they see life. Same if your religious, look at atheists see why they don't believe.
It all chalks up to humans being stubborn. Can't you just bloody get along and appreciate people instead of discriminating them for their beliefs.
I agree with u John Ryan. This is the only life we all have, so we have to try to live it as much as we can.
I am an atheist, I totally agree with this article, I left religions, we all have been fool around by religions,do you know how many good people in this world suffer,struggle they are good people! What cant the fucking god cant do something about it instead of helping those bad guys to become stronger fuck the god is either he is not exist or he is evil or he is useless and weak
I am also an atheist, I will.tell people quick to get away from me with that God stuff, I don't want to hear it! This is why I left religion too. I don't even bother with reading the bible anymore! I completely turned away!
well i read some off the comments, not all. I would like to give you me theory of life and religion.
I was brought up muslim but quickly realised that half of it was nonsense. the book itself was more of a guide on how to have a nice polite life.
I thought if there is a creator then surely he would want us to learn ourselfs and do good deeds off our own back as it makes us feel good inside i.e pleasing our soul maybe? and not doing things because if we don't we will burn in hell for eternity.
over the years I have became very spiritual, I know there is an afterlife. I had 2 outer body expierences as a teen which sent me on a spiritual quest. hearing about different cultures from around the world. so to sum it up,
we are supernatural beings having a human life experience,why? to make our souls stronger from the issues we have during our life. this life is probably just a virtual reality in which when we die we go home well where we came from before earth. life is meant to be like waiting for a bus, so quick yet feels so slow.
And also so many people have remembered previous lifes, I have seen so many cases in which you can not deny, a few are born with scars which are from previous lifes proven with pictures(identical faces aswell).
so I think there is a cycle where you are born live then die and have to repeat this over and over again, not remembering previous life though. until your soul has progressed to what it had set out to gain/learn spiritually.
or you can break this cycle from learning the truth, once you become aware about your soul and progressing it. you can finally go to "heaven" for good. even the hindus talk about this but call it Nirvana.
Anyway thanks for reading my life theory. whether its true no one really knows, but I have never been happier and am actually excited about death when my time comes.
I could go on forever but pretty slow at typing lol
very true i feel religion was introduced to bring balance. so people will behave. it may have worked if there had only been one. as we can see today though is that all it brings is trouble. people fighting over different religions some times the same religion which is crazy. i think they may be some true to religion but over the years man has diluted it completely. and if it was true then why not send down a magical book from god instead of a paper back? i have choosen to take a little from a lot of religions to create my own faith. i meditate regulary and do good deeds. i feel as long as you die with a good heart you will be fine in the afterlife.
you talked about being reborn, i watched a tv show called "ghost inside my child" which had a lot of stories about children remembering previous lifes. usually they died young or horrificly and are given another chance. a lot of the times they can recall being in heaven or some place. a few describe coming to earth, one kid had to climb down a ladder from his castle, another used a rope. Also a couple had birth marks which later revealed to be scars from previous lifes which were backed up with pictures. perhaps you watched the same show haha.
those who don't believe in anything at all. just think of our bodys. its a fantastically designed machine. everything has a purpose and we need food (fuel) to run. just like our cars etc only made up of flesh rather than earthly materials. so to me i feel it just abit to much of a coincidence and there has to be a higher power of some sort. we could be advanced aliens who created this earth as a game/simulator. like total recall movie haha, worth a watch if you haven't seen it.
I greatly enjoy your blog, especially your writing style. It makes your articles very memorable. Thank you.
I think in terms of christianity, some things could be added:
Like god is meant to be all loving, but yet sends us to hell just for not believing in him.
That makes god a pure evil egotist that just wants to be worshipped, basically the same as a typical power hungry leader of a country like sadam hussein or something.
A manmade god would have manmade qualities.
Then if god did make the universe and all life, he is clearly a bumbling idiot.
So much poor "design" in the universe, and the whole mans sin thing doesn't cut it, cause animals had suffering before humans existed.
And then theres the fact, if god existed, why are we still debating it 2000 years later.
religion is really a bad thing, i do not belong to any of those. it is the religion that brought so much of war and battle. ha so much of fighting on right/wrong good/bad old/new religion and not only that but also among denomination too. bulshit.
be human ok.
I love this blog because it shows the reality of religion, it is all utter bullshit.We have seen beautiful stars,nebulae, and galaxies that are all astonishing.Not one trace of a bearded old guy in a white robe or a multi-handed blue man.For Christians, they rely on a book of fairy tales written supposedly 2000 years ago.At that time, they thought if they kneeled down and put their hands together that it would rain.And we still have assholes who believe that.No wonder this world is going to shit.
The reality is "god" is a creation of the human brain.
This right here is irrefutable.
We created "god" in our image
Do cats & dogs get together in the gog kennel on sunday?
Proof "god" doesn't exist.
Lol i find it funny people are quoting Einstein.
It doesn't take a mad scientist to get to the bottom of it.
All it takes is very fundamental common sense.
Dinosaurs existed before we did & before our brain invented god.
There you go you're welcome
Religion is mans first attempt at science. Can't believe even the educated still believe that nonsense! Somebody died for my sins? Really now, we know that is Bull Shit!!!!!!!!
Religion is a load of steaming horse shit!
Maybe god is gay! Ha ha!!
Atheism is the best therapy for mentally ill people, especially religious ones. Yeah, they used to ride around on dinosaurs. Kent Hovind is a retarded bigot!
Jesus was a nut job, too!
Spiritual is one thing. Religion is another!
Because it is immature
Reading all the pros and cons and it's all about power and money. Always has and always will be. If anyone needs church or religion to make them feel better then go for it. Religion is a business, big in some cases. Why would any religion make the leaders (priests), refrain from sex with another person? When you are born your number one goal is survival and to reproduce. Priests are asked to not do something that is one of the most natural functions in life. If there was a supreme being and that is an IF, and if he created life, then why would he want his leaders to not reproduce? Something written by man a long time ago should not affect what happens to people today, such as divorce, contraception, gays, slavery, trans gender, homosexuality and more. We are all born as who we are and some are more handsome, pretty, taller, shorter or whateve with sexual preferences that are what they are. Always had a problem with the saying IT WAS GOD'S WILL. If it was something good it was okay, but bad, not so much. The devil did it. Everyone has a different idea of what is good and what is bad. Being born doesn't seem bad, why would dying be bad? I think life is just enjoying the passage of time. Much harder to do than it sounds. Enjoy and be kind.
Relax! - Regardless of what religions preach, we can live forever - Immortality already is a fact - I can make everybody Immortal in less than a month - We humans can stop aging (by wiping out all diseases) and live forever (like our Creators from the planet of Nibiru - The Anunnaki) - I got the key to our Biological Immortality - By staying absolutely healthy all the time - By doing my discovery (just an exercise for a minute a day) - My WVCD - The Weapon of Virus and Cancer Destruction, that cures and prevents any diseases, known on Earth for millions of years, even radiation disease - I will describe my WVCD to everyone, who sends me a check for one million bucks - Everybody will stay absolutely healthy all the time, living their Endless Lives, for Infinite Health = Immortality.
Now let me know whether the nature which functions in such a well-planned and well-ordered fashion possesses knowledge and power or is it devoid of also of intelligence and reason, without power and without knowledge?
If you admit that it possesses knowledge and power, then what obstructs you from a belief in the Creator?
What we say 's that all things are created by One Who is Master of Knowledge and Power.
You say that there is no Creator and yet admit that nature had done this with ingenuity and plan. As such nature is the cause of their creation, while you deny the Creator.
If you say that nature produces such things without knowledge and power - not knowing what it is doing nor the power to do it - in connection with the type and having design and ingenuity that subsists in all phenomena, it is inconceivable that something may be performed without the corresponding power to do it and without a knowledge thereof.
As such it is obvious that the action emanates from an Omniscient Creator, Who has laid down as only a method among His creation through his Omniscience, which you people call nature.
In other words, Almighty God has ordained a method to produce everything according to its definite cause and principle.
we are in the Drumpf (his real name) era...according to Tao all things revert to their opposite when extremes are reached. Look at middle east...I think end of religion, lying politics, and military industrial complex are near and a new world is at hand...the universe abhors superficial aspects and we are in extreme superficial falsehood...the lie will die and so will every purveyor of it...so for the glassy eyed religious ones...you better wake up fast! Your illusion is about to burst.
You go girl! Religion is the biggest crap outthere!
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