The abortion issue revived my memory of the ridiculous battle over the living corpse called Terri Schiavo. To refresh your memory, Terri Schiavo was a pretty woman married to a loving husband. According to the religious ceremony she probably had to submit to, she was "given away" by her father. From that point on she belonged to her husband and his family (as the Book of Ruth demonstrates by example).
...until she entered a persistent vegetative state, with only her brain stem working and not all that well at that. Hubby wanted to pull the plug, erm, feeding tube, because supposedly, Terri would never have wanted to be kept alive as a blind, paralyzed, fat, stupid-looking stalk of broccoli in a hospital where her mewling parents could delude themselves into believing every drop of drool was some loving utterance.
...and then the stupid Christian dolts who believe "every life is sacred" (until it isn't) decided that this was wrong. They had nothing to go on other than the Ten Commandments, which were written thousands of years before electricity and feeding tubes were invented.
Sadly, the shell continued breathing on its own, and this is where I still have to facepalm occasionally: one of the Christians interviewed on the telly said that the soul resides in the breath. The picture to the left shows a horse thief that has been stoned to death. His soul is a teensy human body being regurgitated out of his mouth then rising to heaven.
Now, if only they and their cretin followers had the insight to know how ridiculous that was.
...and if only they knew that they were arguing for abortion with that statement!
If the Catholic Church believes that the soul resides in the breath, then any fetus that has not taken a breath has no soul and therefore killing it is equal to killing an animal (they also believe that animals have no soul, as evidenced by the belief that a horse thief can get into heaven).
To be consistent, the Church's position should be that euthanasia of a human body shell or abortion of a fetus does not involve the separation of a soul from a body and is therefore not murder. They should have envisioned Terri Schiavo coughing up a Barbie Doll version of herself, which would be hauled up to heaven by angels or saints or something. The silly court battle over who had the right to decide what to do with the shell, the husband or parents, could have been prevented. Congress could have done the people's business instead of interfering with these peoples' business, and the president could worry about how he could stop killing thousands of muslims instead of how he could prevent the death of one Christian.
Yeah, this issue still pisses me off. What a colossal waste of time, money, and angst. Christians should really worry about more important things, like being kind and taking care of poor people and shit.
Anywho, I always love the expression on theists' faces when we have this exchange:
Theist: so you're an atheist? Then where do you go when you die?
Me: I don't believe in the concept of a soul so that question is irrelevant to me.
Theist: [blank stare]