Friday, August 19, 2011

Yet another Facebook funny

This was out of the blue from an old college pal who was very much not a mormon during college:

I believe in Jesus Christ.
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and grateful for it's teachings!
One Facebooker has challenged all believers to put this on their wall. The bible says, if you deny Me in front of your peers, I will deny you in front of My Father.
Re-post if you're a believer.
Note, they don't capitalize "bible" or give credit to the speaker.  Note also, "it's"  grrrrr  If you're going to demand that people repost your post, it should at least have correct grammar!

Apparently Facebook is now the place for shouting from the rooftops what a great Christian you are.  Does Jesus have a Facebook account?  Is he keeping track of whether people repost this drivel?  Really?  Does he have that kind of time?

Maybe that's why babies are still dying and tornadoes whip through Christian communities.  Jesus should get off of Facebook and start answering prayers.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The DM / Mabus Affair Explained

Check out this excellent summary of the take-down of infamous internet troll/spammer/nutjob/threat David Marcuse, also known as DM or Dave Mabus.

Case Study: How a Notorious Spammer Was Brought Down via Twitter

As a relative of a few mentally ill people, I feel for his family for what it must be like to live with him, but considering his obsessiveness, I do think he may be one of the rare internet nutters who could escalate to violence.  I hope he gets the psychiatric care he needs, and if not, at least he may have learned a lesson in the difference between protected speech (Canadian style) and illegal speech (death threats).

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New Feminist/Atheist podcast "show"

I don't get into "feminism" in the academic sense but there are issues that affect women that don't affect men, or get their attention, so I'm glad to see this show, or hear it.  These "bitches" have been on The Atheist Experience call-in show and they're very eloquent and knowledgeable.

I like the term "egalitarian" for myself, which includes feminism, and being female I'll naturally see things from the female point of view.  We are all equal but we're not the same.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Another gay-hating Republican law-maker turns out to be gay!  Is anyone keeping a count?  I can't keep up.

And this is one of the guys who co-wrote the bill to put "In God We Trust" on Indiana license plates!

Not only is he gay, but he's also stupid.  He answered a craigslist ad and then told the male prostitute that he was a lawmaker.  d'uh!

It's amazing the gay-hating agenda still has any steam considering how many of its leaders turn out to be self-loathing gays who are projecting their self-hatred onto others.  I wonder how many are also closet atheists.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

More Facebook Funnies

One of the stupidest c&p status posts ever:

When you carry a Bible, the Devil gets a headache. When you open it, he collapses. When he see's you reading it, he faints. When he see's you living it, he flees. And, just when you're about to re-post this, he will try and discourage you. I just defeated him.

How does he feel about having this drivel re-posted to an atheist blog for mocking?  Seriously, does the Devil read Facebook?  Wouldn't that be reason enough to stop using it?  Or does he read everyone's status updates because he OWNS Facebook?  Wouldn't he be pointing and laughing at the stupid post because that's just how mean he is?

And how the hell would the Devil get a headache?  He doesn't have a body, so he can't have blood veins in his head.   Wait.. he doesn't have head, either.  If he did, he'd probably get a headache from a facepalm.


OMG!!! Richard Dawkins Converted!!!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Definition of "Marriage" vs. Definition of "Rights"

I think the argument from the Right that marriage can't be redefined because it's what it is by definition (a.k.a. "I believe marriage is between one man and one woman") is bogus.  Not only is it just plain stupid, but it doesn't take into account the question of whether marriage is a right.  Using your religious definition of something is pointless in defining civil law.  There's nothing that compels clergy or a religion to recognize a marriage if they don't want to.  My cousin had to convert to Catholicism to get married.  The Catholic Church (and his fiancee) did that, not the laws about marriage.

The Federal statutes are very specific:

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 245

Federally Protected Activities
1) This statute prohibits willful injury, intimidation, or interference, or attempt to do so, by force or threat of force of any person or class of persons because of their activity as:

  a) A voter, or person qualifying to vote...;
  b) a participant in any benefit, service, privilege, program, facility, or
      activity administered by the United States;
  c) an applicant for federal employment or an employee by the federal government;
  d) a juror or prospective juror in federal court; and
  e) a participant in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

You could possibly argue States' Rights, since this statute is about federal issues, but the Fourteenth Amendment would obviate that angle.

What they should be doing is making the case that marriage isn't a right but a privilege, like driving.  Civil unions take care of the issue of benefitting from government services, privileges etc.  Marriage would, too.  And officially calling two same-sex people "married" doesn't really change many other rights.  I'm all for same-sex marriage, but I don't think it should be that big of a deal.  If rights are clearly defined and marital status is one of the protected classes then what's the big deal?

TeH GayZ R dIsGuStiNg!!!!  Oh NOES!  It's about bigotry, plain and simple.  Straight people find sex with the same sex revolting which is what makes them straight people.  Then there are the people with homosexual urges who can't handle their own mental complexity.  Everything has to be black-or-white for these people.  If the law treats gays as equals then straights are less-than, because equality is impossible for some people.  If they're not dominant and oppressive, they're victims and oppressed.

The two religion clauses of the First Amendment pretty much guarantee that the idiotic Right will lose this battle in the Culture Wars.  The non-establishment clause guarantees that the government doesn't have to give a fuck what their sky-daddy thinks of teh gayz.  The free exercise clause guarantees that they can be bigoted if that really floats their boat, as long as they're not being bigots in subsidized programs.  That's the deal they make when they take money from the government.  They won't have to perform gay marriages.  They can deny marriages between man and man just as they deny marriage between Catholic and Protestant.  It's not like gays really want to belong to their narrow-minded churches, anyway.

They just have to grow up and accept that not everyone is a carbon copy of themselves and the world won't stop spinning (yes, it SPINS - the sun doesn't revolve around us, as it turns out) if gay people get married.