Meanwhile, from the web, or maybe TV, dunno... I got the idea that the YMCA was trying to dissassociate from the "C" and just call itself the "Y."
I looked up the local "Y" on the web because I want to swim laps. I see the logo on the front page. So far so good. Mostly Y. No emphasis on the "C." They even state their purposes in secular terms: For youth development, For healthy living, For social responsibility.
Well this sounds nice doesn't it? I decided to check out the adult programs. As I read down the list, it looked like the usual health club offerings but then...
What what WHAT? Bible Study??? There's no book club (for other books) or GED class or any other kind of "study." But they seem a little embarrassed about it, and they just bury the Bible Study in between Tennis & Strength Training.
I couldn't resist. I had to look it up, and it cracked me up. Here's the description of the downtown "Prayer and Share" class: Our non-denominational adult fellowship group meets Wednesday mornings at 9-10 in the Downtown Y conference room. Led by Karen Wenger, the group shares payers, praises and concerns, a devotion and meaningful fellowship. No books or fees required.
- Wellness
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Swim Lessons
- Private Swim Lessons
- CPR Training
- Bootcamp
- Group Exercise
- Tennis
- Bible Study
- Strength Training
- Personal Training
- Climbing Wall
What what WHAT? Bible Study??? There's no book club (for other books) or GED class or any other kind of "study." But they seem a little embarrassed about it, and they just bury the Bible Study in between Tennis & Strength Training.
I couldn't resist. I had to look it up, and it cracked me up. Here's the description of the downtown "Prayer and Share" class: Our non-denominational adult fellowship group meets Wednesday mornings at 9-10 in the Downtown Y conference room. Led by Karen Wenger, the group shares payers, praises and concerns, a devotion and meaningful fellowship. No books or fees required.
No books at all? Not even a Bible? That's rich. Here's the other "Bible" Study: This session's theme is "The Patriarch" by Beth Moore All are welcome! We are not affiilated with a specific church or denomination. We enjoy a variety of participants from all around the Muncie Community. Come join us!
Okay, so they have a couple of watered-down Christian feel-good "classes" for personal well-being. Or maybe all those jocks who play basketball and lift weights won't go to a Bible study that actually requires studying the Bible. So maybe this Y isn't necessarily a Christian thing with a big "C" is it? Anyone can rent space or set up a class in a library, too. The "Bible Study" might not mean anything...
So I move on to the page with the membership fees. And then it's very clear that this is indeed a Christian organization. The "Y" may be their biggest letter but it's right here in black and white:
This means you, GAYS! Register separately and pay twice you sinners!
Seriously? They felt they had to say that? Did they think that single people would fake being gay to get a discount? Or are they just trying to scare the gays away? I've seen some pretty buff gay people. If you are the type of person that believes you can study the Bible without actually reading it, I can only imagine what your work-out routine is like! The gays would put you to shame!!!
So in the end, I've decided to just do some walking around the neighborhood for and then in the summer possibly join one of the local private pools (assuming they let gays and black people and other types of mutants join).
If they're going to make a statement on their membership page, then I'll make a statement by not joining.
...and by blogging about their bigotry.