Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ray Comfort on What Atheists Believe

Wow, can you say "Straw Man?"

"Atheists believe that gravityAtheists believe that gravity thinks intelligently, makes plans, and then creates the concept it has in mind."

uhhhhhh WHAT?!?!?!

"Perhaps you object to my saying that gravity must be intelligent to come up with the concept of the water cycle and then actually create it. Perhaps you think that gravity is mindless, and created it without thinking."

ohhhh okaaaay... it was a rhetorical device.  He really knows that atheists don't think that....

"I don't think so. I am in awe of the water cycle and couldn't imagine the most intelligent of human beings coming up with it."

uh oh.... here we go.  Psychological projection.  Because he can't imagine rain falling due to gravity alone, then nobody else can, either.  *sigh*  What a ninny.

"But according to atheists, gravity didn't create alone. Its partner was heat. The two of them came up with the concept of water, vapor, clouds, rain, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, snow, evaporation, air, condensation, and then created them and caused them to work throughout the earth in perfect harmony."

Well at least he knows there are two forces at work on water.  But now we're polytheists, believing in a gravity god and a heat god?  It's too bad there's no IQ god.  He'd smite Ray Comfort and his followers.

Atheism brings new meaning to the word "absurd."
 No, Ray Comfort.  You did that.

"Also, the concept of the god you don't believe in doesn't exist. He is a figment of your fertile and faith-filled imagination. The Creator is not your water-boy. Don't believe the television preachers that tell you that He will come running when you click your sinful fingers. He withholds the blessing of live-giving rain when a nation gives itself to evil and at the same time professes itself to be good."

uhhh non-sequitur much? So the OT God is still about, punishing nations for things he doesn't like, and you must believe this because the absurd alternative is a mischievous pair of physical forces that have to be intelligent because it's absurd to believe otherwise?

Does this mean that Texas is enduring the worst drought in years because God is displeased with it?   Is that why he didn't answer Rick Perry's prayers for rain?  I suppose it also means that Christians shouldn't send money to food programs for Somalia.  They should just let those starving babies die because God hate them.


Nezumi said...

Hahaha... what an idiot. I love the comments, particularly this: Atheism only leads to communism, crime, immorality, insanity, and eternal damnation. by Some God Botherer.

*shakes head in disbelief* I can't believe people listen to this Barry-Chuckle-alike

Anonymous said...

We can be thankful that atheists never argue Straw Men against Christianity!

Like John Loftus, who was always honest with his congregation when he was a preacher and never lied to them.

Or to his family.

Or to his readers.

Or about making up blogs about other people.

He is a GOOD man.

Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Anonymous said...

We can be thankful that atheists never argue Straw Men against Christianity!

Like John Loftus, who was always honest with his congregation when he was a preacher and never lied to them.

Or to his family.

Or to his readers.

Or about making up blogs about other people.

He is a GOOD man.

Bertram Cabot, Jr.