Some of this might be a bit hard to read, but persevere. It's easier in the end than trying to rationalize that science proves "intelligent design" or throwing out rationality altogether. After all, if you disagree with evolution through natural selection you have to throw out modern antibiotics and vaccines, and then you die. We might miss you, though we won't miss your stupidity.
DNA proof of why there are still monkeys! |
The Whale evolved from land-dwelling mammals, and there are "transitional" fossils to prove it.
The eye evolved through natural selection. It is not irreducibly complex or magical. (There's a video at that site so even the stupidest Christians can understand it)
Humans evolved from other bipedal species, which in turn evolved from other primates. DNA evidence confirms this. Yes, it does! (This last one's harder to read but it's the source of the cool chart to the right)
If you really want to "teach (yourself) the controversy," check out the responses to creationist claims at My favorite stupid argument is the "argument from incredulity." It's the argument that because you can't (or won't) believe something is true therefore it's not true. Hey, I'd like to believe that I'm the Princess of the Universe and that I can smite anyone who zips into the parking place I have my eye on. But I don't believe that because I'm not psychotic. The same argument is put forward by UFOlogists and other believers of utter nonsense. It's as sophisticated as putting your fingers in your ears and singing "la la la la I can't hear you!"