Friday, September 23, 2011

farts you can't trust them

"farts you can't trust them"

This came up as a search that brought someone to this blog.  I don't know what this person was looking for, but I can say this:  if you live with dogs, you will often think you have a doggy pile to clean up, then upon investigation you realize it was just a fart.


KJ said...

I get a whole bunch of weird search strings too. Some of my favourites include:
"dogs vs creationists"
"dogs vs wolves"
"fuck in church"
"church fuck"
"i want to fuck s.e. cupp"


At least these search terms are a small minority of my traffic.. Most of them are relevant.

Infidel753 said...

I constantly get "important things that happened in 2006" or minor variants thereof. Dunno why. I've never written a post on that topic.

farts you can't trust them

Never thought of trustworthiness, or the lack thereof, as a quality attributable to farts.

dogs vs creationists

My money's on the dogs.

LadyAtheist said...

so now people who search for fucking in a church with a dog and then farting will come to this blog.

Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

so now people who search for fucking in a church with a dog and then farting will come to this blog.

Hey, having more priests around will make discussion quite lively.