Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Kindle Book List

I just got a Kindle for my birthday.  Wheee!  I'm saving my pennies though so instead of buying books I'm looking for good free reads.  I will consider all suggestions (except those from trolls of course)

I've already downloaded three books by Darwin, Bertrand Russell's Why I am not a Christian, Payne's Age of Reason, and some fiction.  I'm also storing up some non-Christian religious texts, like the Bhagadvita and the Tao Te Ching, and a book on Roman & Greek mythology.  (why their beliefs are 'myths' and everyone else's count as "religious texts" doesn't make sense to me)

For future reference I'd consider suggestions for books I'd have to pay for, but I won't buy them for awhile.

Well? Suggestions anyone?


Rob Crompton said...

Among the free downloads I put onto my Sony I ave Zola's three Cities Trilogy. Lourdes is hardly a pleasant read but it's compelling stuff especially for a skeptic.
After reading that one I started Camus' La Peste but gave up, not because the French had me beaten -it's really quite accessible, but it isn't a jolly follow-on from Lourdes!

KJ said...

Where did you get the Bertrand Russell essay? I can't find it in the Kindle store.

Anyway, here's my recommendation, only costs $0.99 US

'Why I Believed: Reflections of a Former Missionary' by Ken Daniels

LadyAtheist said...

Bertrand Russell Society has his works online:

LadyAtheist said...

I may try the Zola. Some of the French books I've read (in translation) are great reads even when the characters aren't appealing.

Eric Haas said...

Project Gutenberg has a lot of free books available in Kindle format (

LadyAtheist said...

I've downloaded a bunch from them now. I downloaded Confucious & some other religious texts, some O.Henry, Poe, short stories, mysteries, and classics.

Nameless Cynic said...

Amazon actually has a tab on their Kindle page for something like "top downloads" and "top free downloads." (Right-hand column)

Currently loaded into my Kindle (and all free)
A Voice In the Box" My Life In Radio (Bob Edwards)

Captain Blood (Rafael Sabatini)

The Count of Monte Cristo (Dumas pere)

LadyAtheist said...

The Bible is amazingly far down on the list!

GearHedEd said...

No library is complete without some Vonnegut...

Anonymous said...

anything by robert ingersoll is good.